Monday, January 31, 2011

White Fluff & Puff

Winter is my least favorite season of the year ---especially in a place where winter is known to last 8 months out of the year (at least, the cold temperatures last that long). Moving from balmy winters in Oklahoma to the harsher conditions of Rapid City, South Dakota has been a challenge for me. Tim thinks winters here are nice -but he grew up in Minnesota winters where snow remains on the ground for nearly 8 months a year. I'm trying to get tougher to be able to last the harsh conditions for longer, but the cold seems to seep in through every crack of my being, causing even my attitude to turn sour. It is during these times that I must continually remind myself of the life's blessings that keep my heart warm -love from friends and family, a comfortable home, a whiny dog to come home to, a new winter wardrobe, and a sturdy vehicle that keeps me safe on somewhat precarious roads. Furthermore, the promise of spring looms in the near future, raising my hopes and causing me to stick it out for just one more day.
Oh, and for the record, the average temperature today was zero degrees Fahrenheit...even with the sun shining. Bundle up!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Miles Apart - Still Close at Heart

Deployment is now reality...
Tim departed yesterday for his 6 month assignment to a warm and dusty desert where he will will fly long missions to keep our ground troops safe and the enemy at bay. We already miss each other very much. It will be a long 6 months, but we are trusting in the Lord to keep us strong. We are so thankful for the prayers and support of friends and family, and for the technology that allows us to skype, email, and call each other fairly regularly. Just before leaving, Tim switched our phone service and got both of us new phones---with data plans. Simply put, it allows me to answer every call he sends my way, and gives me 24/7 access to get a hold of him. What a comfort!
Not everything about deployment is gloomy and sad---I get to have a special parking place at the commissary when I shop there, meals take less time to prepare, and there is less laundry to do---but I would trade all of these "perks" in a snap to have Tim home. Still, it helps to look on the bright side of life!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Just before Christmas we received some unexpected information -our friends Anthony & Nicole Riggan were killed in a fatal airplane crash on their way to visit family for the holidays. To say we were surprised at the news is an understatement. Anthony & Nicole were a young, vibrant, wonderful Christian couple who exuded love and joy to all around them. They were delightful to be with -both were down-to-earth and real, but also always smiling. They loved each other fervently, and loved the Lord with their lives. We were blessed to know them for a short time, as they moved to Rapid in the spring of 2010. Anthony was in Tim's E-Flight at work; Nicole and I had the opportunity to get to know each other through coffee chats and spouses get-togethers.
One of the important lessons that we learned from Anthony & Nicole is to live our lives intentionally. Their lives were short, and God called them home at a young age. But the life they lived, they lived to the fullest. They lived each day with intentionality and resolve to make each day count. We want to follow their example and make each day of our lives count. We want to live each day as if it was our last -loving to the fullest, serving our best, and reflecting God's glory to those around us -so that when we die, our lives will be a testimony, as were Anthony & Nicole's, of joyful, Christ-centered living.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings

It is hard to believe that it is already 2011. Remember the Y2K scare? It seems like it was just yesterday. 2010 passed too quickly, though it was full and thoroughly enjoyable. Tim returned from his first deployment almost a year ago, and we are saying goodbye once again. He will be deployed for 6 months to the sunny, sandy Middle East, flying a fine aircraft, and earning his "hero" title. I get to stay in Rapid City where winter will last too long; thankfully, work, friends, and Ellie will keep me busy.
I have already experienced a newness this year -really a refreshing of God's grace in my life. I would like to believe I'm growing in Christian maturity, but sometimes I still like to wallow in negative feelings, doubts, and fears. Thankfully, God's grace is too generous to me to keep me in those selfish ways. In preparation for the time of separation for Tim and me, God has flooded me with an inexplainable peace, joy, and rest in His goodness. It almost feels surreal, but I don't want to take it for granted or presume that I should be having negative feelings instead of owning His grace. God promises joy instead of mourning, peace instead of fear, and trust instead of doubt. Bless Him for His marvelous grace! I hope that you may experience His renewal in 2011.